Women's March Global logo.png


On 21 January 2017 millions of women and allies around the world, many who would never before have called themselves feminists or women’s human rights defenders, took to the streets because we knew we had to make ourselves seen and heard. Women’s March Global is now a network of 100+ Chapters and thousands of Members worldwide who continue to take action every day in our local communities to advance women’s human rights.


Jackson has been part of Women’s March Global from its inception in early 2017. As Women’s March Global’s Visual Director, Jackson has led the international organization’s visual strategy and visual content creation.

This has included:

  • Helping creating Brand Guidelines in collaboration with the Global Team for use by 100+ Chapters around the world

  • Chapter logo creation with Big Monocle

  • Graphic design creation, evolution, and strategy

  • Video design, creation, and strategy

  • Campaign Strategy in collaboration with the Global Team




The original logo of three women’s faces and color scheme was designed by an outside firm called Big Monocle before the original Women’s Marches in 2017. As Visual Director and in collaboration with the Global Team I have since updated the Women’s March Global logo and color palette to reflect changes in our brand identity and have created Chapter-specific logos for our 100+ Chapters around the world, including an iteration for our Chapters in Muslim-majority countries where one woman in the three faces is wearing the hijab.

Design Strategy

Our Chapters and Community represent over 100 cities on every continent and they focus on a wide variety of issues that affect women. Our design must reflect that diversity. So, for example, to the best of our ability we choose imagery that is intersectional and focused on the most marginalized communities. 

In terms of accessibility, a large component of our work is filtering complex issues around the world to make them digestible to a wider audience. To accomplish this we use a bold and simple aesthetic so that the important information we relay is eye-catching and easily comprehensible.

We also do our best to make our content accessible to the disability community, which means writing image descriptions for our visual content, making our website accessible, and ensuring our color choices allow for easy legibility. 

Achieving a balance between clean, professional design and handmade design is a challenge. As an international human rights organisation, our design materials need to reflect our status as a leading voice for intersectional women’s rights organising. However, as a grassroots organisation focused on the local level, we want our content to be relatable, vibrant, and human-centred.

Our above strategy is informed by the needs of our Global Community. Having a diverse and international audience means that we always have to consider how our content will be perceived in a variety of cultures and languages. And, while many members of our Community are seasoned activists, we welcome all women and allies that are new to the women’s rights activism space. Therefore, our design and content need to appeal to a large cross-section of people.


Brand Book

Written by the Women’s March Global Team


Global Count